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TRIM , CLEAN Function in Excel

The Microsoft Excel TRIM function returns a text value without leading, trailing and unnecessary spaces between words in a string. The TRIM function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a String/Text Function.
In this video we described how to use TRIM function and its difference with CLEAN function.

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LEN function in Excel

LEN function is useful when you want to find the number of characters in the text. Gives the number of characters in given text string including spaces. This function is categorized as a String/Text Function.

In this video we described how to use LEN function in different situations.

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DOLLAR formula in Excel

The DOLLAR function, one of the TEXT functions, converts a number to text using currency format, with the decimals rounded to the number of places you specify. DOLLAR uses the $#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00) number format, although the currency symbol that is applied depends on your local language settings.

In this video we described how to use DOLLAR function in different situations.


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LEFT , RIGHT , MID , Functions in Excel

LEFT, RIGHT and MID functions extract a substring from a string. We can specify how many characters to be extracted. This functions are categorized as a String/Text Function.

In this video we described how to use LEFT , RIGHT and MID functions in different situations.



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SEARCH , FIND Function in Excel

The Microsoft Excel SEARCH and FIND functions returns the location of a substring in a string. The only difference between these two functions is that FIND is case-sensitive, but SEARCH is NOT. SEARCH and FIND functions are built-in functions in Excel that are categorized as String/Text Functions.
In this video we describe these functions in details and explain the difference between them with examples. For more videos like this, please subscribe us.

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CONCAT and CONCATENATE Function in Excel

The Microsoft Excel CONCAT function allows you to join 2 or more strings together. It was released in Excel 2016 and replaces the CONCATENATE function. The CONCAT function is categorized as a String/Text Function.
In this video we describe how to use this function in different situations.

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Excel Presentation of values in cells

Based on the values we provide in Excel cells, we can choose to show them in different formats, for examples, dates are all stored as numbers in Excel, however, we can present dates in different formats (for example, showing the year at the first or at the last position of date, or showing based on month names and not the numbers). In this video we talk about this presentations in Excel cells, and also we talk about how Excel can understands the Date values.


This Excel is part of invoice software which is developed by deyako company in Microsoft Excel:

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Different types of values in Excel cells

In this video we talked about what different kind of values we can have in Microsoft Excel cells, and describe meaning of each of these values, these values include: Number , Text ( string ), logical, Error and Array.

This Excel is part of invoice software which is developed by deyako company in Microsoft Excel:

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Modifying and formatting cells to create Invoice in Excel

In this video we show how to use spreadsheet to create an invoice in Microsoft Excel, for making invoice you do not need anything special to know about Excel and just need to customize the size and formats of cells in Excel (Also watch the page setup video in our previous video in Excel)
This Excel is part of invoice software which is developed by deyako company in Microsoft Excel: