Documents Coding system


This Excel file help you to manage your documents by assign a unique code to each of them. Document coding system is a part of MIS (Management information system) which is developed for managing information in organizations.

This software is developed in Microsoft Excel based on Macro (VBA programming), so it’s really easy to use and can be manipulated as you need (because it’s just excels).

For more information, please go to description section and watch the instruction video

This software has below capabilities:

Generating a unique code for each document

Saving document information in a data base (Excel data table)

Removing or editing document’s information

This Excel file should be used on Windows OS, by Microsoft Excel 2013, 2016 or above


In all organizations there is a lots of documents that are generated in daily manners, for properly managing these documents, there is MIS (Management information system) that telling us we have to assign unique code to each organizational documents in order to be able to manage them in efficient way. In this reason, we developed an Excel file to help you in documents coding activity. This software is developed based on the in Microsoft Excel by using VBA programming and Macros, and there is no password or restriction on it.

In this Excel file, you are able to enter the documents information in a provided form named as “Data Entry Form” and then by pressing “Generate Code”, a unique code will be generated based on previous documents in your data base. After that, by pressing “Submit” button the code along with document information will be added into the data base.

You always can manage the version and all other information of documents by retrieving the data from your data base into the “Data Entry From” and editing and updating information or you can change all data directly in the data base.

We provide you lots of controlling capabilities in this Excel file to help you easily manage your organizational documents and since it’s just a Excel, it’s really easy to use and you need just little information about how Excel works.

This Excel file should be used on Windows OS, by Microsoft Excel 2013, 2016 or above

Also you can see the video instruction which is provided for you in the below:


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